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September 2002

Georges Abi-Saab is a member of the Appellate Body of the World Trade Association, and was until recently Professor of International Law at the Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva. He is Honorary Professor of Law at Cairo University.

Robert Cooper is Director-General for External and Politico-Military Affairs at the Council of the European Union, and was formerly an advisor to the British Prime Minister, Tony Blair. He writes here in a personal, not an official, capacity.

Chibli Mallat is Chair of European Law and Director of the Centre for the Study of the European Union at the Université Saint-Joseph in Beirut. He was one of the advocates in the recent case brought against Ariel Sharon in Belgium by relatives of those killed in the Sabra and Chatila massacres.

Aryeh Neier is President of the Open Society Institute, and was formerly Executive Director of Human Rights Watch and the American Civil Liberties Union. He is the author of War Crimes: Brutality, Genocide, Terror and the Struggle for Justice.

David Rieff is an author and a member of the Board of Directors of the Crimes of War Project. His new book, A Bed for the Night: Humanitarianism in Crisis will be published next month by Simon & Schuster.

Anne-Marie Slaughter is Dean of the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University, and was formerly the J. Sinclair Armstrong Professor of International, Foreign and Comparative Law at Harvard University. She is currently President of the American Society of International Law.


This site © Crimes of War Project 1999-2003

By Anthony Dworkin and David Rieff

Order, Force and Law in a New Era
By Robert Cooper

There is No Need to Reinvent the Law
By Georges Abi-Saab

Did the Era of Rights End on September 11?
By Aryeh Neier

The Future of International Law: Ending the U.S.-Europe Divide
By Anne–Marie Slaughter

What is Really at Stake in the US Campaign Against Terrorism
By David Rieff

September 11 and the Middle East: Footnote or Watershed in World History?
By Chibli Mallat

International Law Since
September 11 – A Timeline