The civilian killing not justified by military necessity constitutes a war crime.
International law draws lines that do not in all ways match our sense of the most awful behavior.
Since its creation in 1993, the ICTY has indicted 162 people, ranging from political and military leaders to low-level fighters.
Rape as a form of torture, a means of persecution and an indicia of enslavement is a serious war crime.
It is not necessary to prove that rape itself was widespread or systematic, but instead that the attack was.
Slavery is an international crime, whether or not it is linked to a combat environment.
Includes murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation, and other inhumane acts
Investigators should follow the “Minnesota Protocol,” adopted by the UN in 1992.
Prisoners of war must be “honorably buried” in graves that bear information about them.
By Tim Judah Originally published August 8, 2008 As is now already well known Mr ...